Dispersion modeling

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SMIT Software

Simulations of the dispersion of pollutants and odors in the atmosphere

SMIT is a web platform gathering data from Olfosense units deployed on emission sources and from the meteo station.

Based on the hybrid Gaussian model ISC AERMOD (U.S. EPA), SMIT displays the dispersion plume of odour and other compounds emitted by critical sources.


  • Odor Concentration

  • Meteo data

  • Horography

  • Obstacles (buildings, trees, …)

  • Location of sensitive receptors

  • Plant technological data (emitting surfaces, emission rates, ...).


The Instruments Division of our company is committed in saling worldwide products for Environmental Air monitoring, Quality control and Safety.
We support clients through our sale offices located in the major italian cities, and we provide trainings for users.

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